Searchlight provides the expertise, solutions, and assurance that investors and companies need to thrive amidst uncertainty

Due diligence to ensure a better future
The world needs far more infrastructure, energy, and robust mineral supply chains. That requires capital deployment in difficult operating environments.​
Such investments can yield attractive risk-adjusted returns, but they require diligence that goes beyond desk research and brief site visits. Ground truth is critical to success, but such assessments are rarely done well.​
That is where we excel.

​Searchlight's personnel leverage their intelligence and special operations experience, and business acumen, to provide on-the-ground risk assessments, site selection support, and long-term reporting in challenging environments.
​We work with your team to identify information gaps, then conduct weeks of field work to tap into local knowledge, uncover risks, and find solutions.
The top risks are often local to the province or district. Informal power brokers, variable and corrupt regulatory enforcement, community leadership, logistical routes, electrical grids, and changing security environments can make or break a project. That information is rarely online or reliable.
That information is rarely online or reliable.

Every investment entails unique circumstances.​
​We take a bespoke approach to each project to identify local risks and opportunities based on your priorities and the local environment.

We are a growing team of military veterans and business professionals dedicated to ensuring a brighter, cleaner, and more secure future.​​
We believe that the world, especially the developing world, needs investment in infrastructure, energy, mineral supply chains, and more if that future is to materialize.
We are here to provide the expertise, solutions, and assurance that investors and companies will need to succeed along the way.
Integrity, reliability, and safety are at the core of our culture. We will never compromise on those principles.